Thursday, January 30, 2020

Year In Review....

.... ends with post op check (repair retina tear & insert gas bubble) 2 weeks ago developed blurry spot in the middle of left eye and surgery last week.

Per Dr. today: Excellent progress, bubble half gone (black line in the middle of my eye, focused above, blurry & bouncy underneath where bubble is) - assurance all is normal
No air travel or going above 2000 feet until bubble gone - will check in 5 weeks
Retina is repairing itself nicely and fluid is pushing the bubble out
May take months for retina to fully repair and vision closer to normal 
Watching my right eye which has a slight depression
Appears to be genetic / nothing can be done to prevent (however, I will get back eating better, keeping hydrated, exercising, yoga & breathing, keeping cool, calm, and collected - pretty much the roller coaster story of my life :)

Almost forgot the part where I had to lay face down with my head in a doughnut type pillow for 3 days. 

It's still quite awkward & balance challenging walking around closing my left eye. When my vision returns, will catch you up on the highlights of my last eventful year which ended up with me moving to Arizona 😎😎😎