Monday, August 29, 2016

J & J

Loved the idea of Julie duplicating Julia’s recipes (via blog). I thought about critiquing a different gelato each day. Big problem – I have no culinary skills or specialized words – I’ll eat anything I don’t have to cook & clean up after. Not to mention, I haven’t met a gelato I didn’t like.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Old Boxes

Am I the only one that has boxes of stuff they don’t want to go through & so they keep moving them? With this move (since I don’t really know exactly where or when I am going), determined to go through those boxes, I’m finding the contents to be very emotional. Definitely the wrong week to stop multiple gelato days – days that start with gelato breakfasts.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

It's Been A Year.....

…. since I unloaded my suitcase. I just come to my current residence, wash my clothes, restock & in a couple days head out. That is all about to change, because I am moving closer to assist my mother. That means packing up everything, yet again. Why do we keep so much stuff? I do believe the current micro mini house fad (“they” are trying to social engineer us) is excessive, but there is always a lesson to be learned – down size – do it now, before you get old & have to do it for your parents & for yourself – do it while you still have energy & lots of strength.