Thursday, June 30, 2016


I’ve just been described as being esoteric – well spoken by my friend who bookmarked me & added me to her ‘Feedly Collection.” Not exactly sure what that means, but I’ll try to not disappoint.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

C & J

The deadly “C” struck our family. Coming to grips with this new experience challenges the very roots of our communal tree. On the journey with my brother & his wife (closer to me than a sister), sifting through myriads of information, a blog surfaces. Chronicled by a man whose wife faced the same battle,, I am forever indebted to Rory who helps me understand my brother’s life. I would leave a comment, but Rory is an accomplished lyricist with a myriad of supporters. I would also ask him to write a song about “a girl & her Jeep, who has to give it up, to be sensible with a Toyota Corolla, who rebuilds her life, and gets her Jeep back.” (& there you have the “J” connection & yes, those are my initials)