Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Panic Button

My latest mis-adventure: I met a friend at an antique show (she is an interior decorator and is wanting to sell things she has collected over the years & we may start a little business together – a whole new world to me – more on that to come). First, you have to understand that I have no internal sense of directions (I can get lost in a building I have worked in for ten years). After spending 45 minutes trying to connect (I kept giving bad directions as to where I was), it was a great adventure & then she offered to drive me to my car. An hour later, after driving up and down rows, in various and sundry parking lots, wearing out my light blinking button, we found it. She is not deterred, and we are forging ahead. Now the question I ask myself: “Why didn’t you push the Panic Button – the one you often push by accident.”