Sunday, September 11, 2016

1 Week + 1 Day ....

..... and my progress is remarkable after surgery. 

- the kitties made the 8 hour trip to their pet friendly home (thank you my irreplaceable friend)
- the pain med thing worked out - took a while for somebody who doesn't even have tylenol in the house. (1/2 a huge tylenol every 4 hours & lots of icing)
- the Bose headphones (given to me by my most gracious friend) have been the perfect companion throughout - distracting me, enhancing my music collection.
- found a semi-comfortable way to sleep & actually slept 8 hours - with only one break in the middle. 
- And my tub chair comes today so I can get cleaned up!!
- (More of you to thank & more reflections coming up)

But, on this, the day of rest, & for those of you with pain - physical or emotional, I share the following, which is a great comfort to me.