Wednesday, September 7, 2016

# 3

Meds kicking in and out - some highlites
- long day yesterday - got to the Lake House & meds & slept in lounger, but not enough strength to kick down foot rest so slept on couch. 
- The "number two" the medical profession is so concerned with is functioning (I think Freud would have something to say about their fixation)
- My wonderful brother is going to do the stomach shots (a little more painful than the photo type, but my preference). Visiting nurse to come this afternoon to show how
- His wonderful wife making me comfortable and organized (important to both of us)
- The wonderful property manager is going to manage my kitties until my wonderful friend from previous city can come to get them)
- There is a possibility of an apartment with just a few steps - but dr & brother want me to stay here (decision does not have to be made today)
- I'm using the breathing thing to improve shallow breathing
- Started exercises - will probably only get in 2 sets today - tomorrow up to 3 times daily.
- Walked around a few times, but get tired and have to rest.
- Have to increase water intake & you know what that means.
- Brother got some salty snacks to help my blood pressure rise & some frozen desserts
- Only one of my tennis shoes showed up & they are fairly new & expensive - so my wonderful friends will do some searching. 

Looking Forward - will have to get some regular clothes - but quite frankly, these hospital gifts are quite comfortable. I'll get a picture - after I am out of them.

Those of you that know me, know how independent I am & how extra difficult this is for me. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes & prayers & help.