Thursday, September 8, 2016

# 4

(Having problems with changing font on iPad)

- Today's big discovery  -  you can get Vicks already fused into tissue. Vicks was my father's rememdy for everything, I am finding it useful to clear nasal passages & it brings back sweet memories. 

- Visit from visiting nurse - "do not discount the value of ice in reducing pain - especially 20 minutes before and after exercise." "Good Rx" app - find coupons & cheaper meds. "Don't over do it" - that came a little too late. So I am going to sleep most of the afternoon. 

- Can't stand pain meds - trying big Tylenol - will see how it goes

- Have accepted I will have to be at Lake House until Dr visit next Friday. 

- Completed 2 out of 3 sessions of exercises - only made 1 yesterday (don't tell) 

- My personal "Gal Friday" going to get some stuff I need - especially info for that safe driving class I need to do to get rid of the points from my speeding ticket - which started this whole blog - proving life really does go in circles.

- Enjoy your circle!! 

Looking Ahead: PT visit tomorrow.