Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Change - they decided I have done so well (& there are no openings on the rehab floor). So I am being discharged today. Flurry of various professionals with all this info I will never remember. Thankfully no exams &  they have nice reminder sheets. And lots of great going away presents - it's like Christmas (walker, commode, grabber, sponge on stick to shower, various and assundry dressing assists, special pillow to keep my legs straight, etc.)  - then they said I had to give myself daily injections of blood thinners - that was my limit. But my special brother & sister know nurses & they will graciously let me stay in their house with only 1 or 2 steps in (I live 1.5 stories up with no elevator). 

And the best going away present - clothes (since mine were cut off). I have 2 hospital gowns in green & bright yellow, a pair of surgical pants in blue & tan tiger socks!